1. Since its foundation in 2017, ASCS CLASS has striven to promote the safety of life, property and the natural environment, through the development and verification of standards for the design, construction and maintenance of marine related facilities.
2. Our long traditions and values, based on the efficiency, integrity, credibility, professionalism and high sense of responsibility of our staff, entitle our customers and relevant interested parties, to expect that the services offered to them cover their needs and expectations, in the sense of our commitment to comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements. Including the improvement of the effectiveness of our quality management system.
3. Safety and pollution prevention at sea may be effectively enhanced by strictly applying international conventions, codes and resolutions, while broadening the perception that safety and productivity should never be seen as opposing or mutually excluded objectives.
4. ASCS CLASS has established its Quality Management System based on the International Standard ISO 9001 which is line with the RO Code and the applicable IMO instrument governing the requirements set forth to Recognized Organizations.
5. In order to achieve high standards of quality, safety and pollution prevention, ASCS CLASS is committed to employ qualified personnel according to IMO guidelines and the Code for the Recognized Organizations, and will continually provide the training and resources needed.

ASCS CLASS Management in the frame of its commitments:
a) Establishes measurable quality objectives for providing our customers with clear, reliable, accurate impartial and speedy services giving to safety and pollution prevention the highest priority.
b) Ensuring that quality policy, objectives (including provisions applicable to the statutory certification and services) are well understood by the personnel and adopting the principle of continuous improvement.
c) Provides the necessary resources for the productive and effective function of all company’s departments.
d) Reviews and improves the risk management and procedures followed for improving the effectiveness of the quality system to enhance customers and relevant interested parties’ satisfaction by meeting their needs and expectations complying with all applicable requirements and the understanding of the context of the organization.
e) Performs the necessary Managements reviews, internal and external audits to improve the effectiveness of the QMS. f) Reviews the QP, Quality Objectives and QMS in order to maintain its continuous suitability. g) Determines and manages the numerous link activities needed, in order to enable the transformation of inputs into valuable outputs, thus establishing the necessary “Risk Management”
k) Ensuring that our Organization’s Rules and Regulations, as well as its Quality Management System are developed and kept updated in a systematic manner.
h) Invests in the continuous awareness and training of the personnel so as to enhance quality in every activity. i) To promote a spirit of inspiration in our employees, surveyors and agents through the quality culture, commitment and cooperation.
j) Recognizes and awards teamwork as well as every individual effort leading to improvement.

6. On behalf of ASCS CLASS we undertake the obligation to implement the quality, safety and pollution prevention policy throughout the Company and to observe all its provisions.
7. We delegate the Quality Assurance Committee to ensure that this commitment is respected throughout the Society.
8. We call every member of ASCS CLASS to participate in attaining this goal with enthusiasm, professionalism, team spirit and high sense of responsibility.
Quality,Safety and Pollution Prevention Policy




Address: Room 1709,Ship Research Building,No.600 MinSheng Road, Pudong New Distriction, 200135 Shanghai, China


E-mail Address:


Tel: +86-021-68822268


Wechat Official ID:  ASCS CLASS