ASIA SHIPPING CERTIFICATION SERVICES (ASCS CLASS) is a Risk Management Company created by a young team of professionals that recognized the need in many countries for a quality oriented surveying company in the Maritime Industry. ASCS CLASS' goal is to serve the shipping industry by offering a reliable, flexible and cost effective service, without compromising our greatest concern towards the preservation of human life at sea and the protection of the marine environment.
ASIA SHIPPING CERTIFICATION SERVICES (ASCS CLASS) offers its clients a broad range of services which includes among them Statutory and Classification Surveys. ASIA SHIPPING CERTIFICATION SERVICES (ASCS CLASS) represent the maritime administrations of Sierra Leone & Mongolia to conduct surveys and to issue statutory certificates on their behalf. ASCS CLASS will also provide the service of classification.
The statutory surveys include the following:
1. Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate (CSSCC),
2. Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (CSSEC),
3. Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate (CSSRC),
4. Passenger Ship Safety Certificate (PSSC),
5. Safety Management Certificate (ISM CODE) (SMC),
6. Document of Compliance (ISM CODE) (DOC),
7. International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC),
8. Carriage of Grain in Bulk Document (CGBD),
9. International Load Line Certificate (ILLC),
10. International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPPC),
11. Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk Certificate (CNLSBC),
12. International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate (ISPPC),
13. International Tonnage Certificate (ITC 69),
14. Carriage of Dangerous Chemical in Bulk Certificate (CDCBC),
15. Carriage of Liquid Gases Bulk Certificate (CLGBC),
16. Carriage of Solid Bulk Cargoes (CSB),
17. Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (EIAPPC),
18. Garbage Pollution Prevention Certificate (GPPC),
19. Carriage of Dangerous Goods Document of Compliance (CDGDOC),
20. Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (Vessels Under 500 GRT) (CSSC),
21. Cargo Ship Safety Radio Telephony Certificate (Vessels Under 300 GRT) (CSSRTC),
22. Fishing Vessel Safety Certificate (FVS),
23. Pleasure Craft Safety Certificate (PSC),
24. International Air Polluion Prevention Certificate (IAPPC)
25. International Anti-Fouling System Certificate (IAFSC)
26. Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate (SPSSC)
27. High Speed Craft Safety Certification (HSCSC)
28. Load Line Exemption (LLEx)
29. MARPOL Exemption (MARPOLEx)
30. SOLAS Exemption (SOLASEx)
31. SeaWorthiness Certificate (SWC)
32. Maritime Labor Statement of Comliance (MLSOC)
33. International Energy Efficiency Certificate (IEEC)
34. Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Safety Certificate (MODUSC)
35. Cargo Gear Certificate (CGC)
36. Ballast Water Management Certificate (BWMC)
37. Manuals, Booklets & Plan Approvals, etc.